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The Retirement Trainer

Sep 7, 2022

No matter what financial shape you’re in right now, it’s never too late to find new ways to do better in the years to come. If you’re thinking about retiring (or trying to figure out if you still can retire), concerned about today’s economy, or simply want to make sure that everything is in place before you make that decision, this episode is for you.

Today, we dig into pensions, Social Security, insurance coverage, and much more. You’ll learn about when to start working with a financial planner, how to do the math, and how to get access to the retirement checklist so you can get a clear sense of what you’ve achieved–and what you still have left to figure out. 

In this podcast interview, you’ll learn:

  • Why so many people go over budget so easily.
  • How to start reviewing what your assets actually look like as you prepare to retire–and assess your financial health.
  • How to do a dry run and start picturing retirement well before it’s time to retire.

To get access to today's show notes, including links to all the resources mentioned, visit

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