Apr 29, 2021
Bill and Sandy Wymard own and operate Aquarium Adventure in Hilliard, Ohio. Guests can see fish from all over the world in their public aquarium, take home fish for their own aquariums, and purchase retail merchandise as well.
Aquarium Adventure has carved out a truly unique niche for themselves as a specialty retailer with loyal, long-term customers and employees. When the COVID crisis hit, they needed to stay open, going the extra mile to keep their customers safe as they bought supplies to keep their fish healthy and fed.
Today, Bill and Sandy join the podcast to share the story of their 30 years together as a couple and 24 years in business together, what they learned from operating an essential business in the midst of a global pandemic, and how they emerged on the other side with what might be their best year of sales ever.
In this podcast interview, you’ll learn:
Show Notes
To get access to today's show notes, including links to all the resources mentioned, visit TheRetirementTrainer.com/45
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